Viniegra Live

by TurzApps

Travel & Local


Application of Viniegra de Abajo, La Rioja people belonging to 7 Villas, located in the subregion of the High Najerilla. This new, updated in terms of content and design version is intended for those who like to always know whats happening in your town.Among its new features are:- Webcams: web cameras and weather summary of Viniegra is joined webcams of Viniegra de Arriba and urban (Ventrosa). And thanks to the "Evolution of Time", you will see the camera images over the past 24 hours.- Weather: full details of the current, daily, monthly and annual weather conditions Viniegra and a graph of time and astronomical data.- Forecast: forecast for the next 4 days in Viniegra.- Latest news: list with the last 10 news appearing on the website of Viniegra.- Interesting Places: section devoted mainly to people who are visiting Viniegra. Through a dynamic map, the most important points of the people as cultural venues, accommodation, bars and restaurants, and general services are displayed.